Regions Help & Support


What accounts can I access on Regions Online Banking?

Your Regions accounts are divided into three categories: Spend, Save & Invest, and Borrow. In the Spend section you will find checking accounts and reloadable cards. Under Save & Invest, you will see savings accounts, money markets, CDs, IRAs and brokerage accounts. In the Borrow section, your credit card, mortgage, installment loan and line of credit will be displayed.

You can also manage your money with Regions My GreenInsights, a smart tool that lets you see all your finances (including those at other institutions), use simple charts to create a budget and watch your cash flow. Set up savings and payoff goals. Set up alerts to update you about your spending, goals and more.

If you are having trouble viewing an account, send us a secure message in Online Banking by selecting Customer Service, then Contact Us and then accessing the secure message center, or call us at 1-800-472-2265.