Is college for your child? | Wealth podcast

For many, college is the next step after high school. Does that make sense for your child?

Episode 8 — Regions Wealth Podcast Series

Parents often spend years saving and planning for their child’s education, and that degree is viewed as necessary for the vast majority of professions. But what if your child doesn’t have the drive to go to college right out of high school? What if you face hurdles paying for college?

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Meet the Speaker

Lee BlankLee Blank is Market Executive for Middle Tenn. and a Regional Private Wealth Executive covering 150 branches from Nashville to Raleigh, N.C. He brings to our team more than 36 years of banking and relationship management experience with Regions. Lee focuses on more than just a client’s immediate needs — he also concentrates on the client’s complete financial picture, working closely with all the additional products and services that Regions Bank has to offer. Committed to his community, Lee serves on several boards, such as the Nashville Area Habitat for Humanity Advisory Board, the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce Board, and The Downtown Partnership Board. Want to find an advisor like Lee? Contact a Wealth Advisor today.

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Our Regions Wealth Podcast empowers you to be smart about life’s financial challenges. Gain confidence in your personal or business financial strategy. Listen to more episodes to hear how experienced wealth advisors approach the big financial questions we all face.

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Have you decided that college is right for your child? Find more helpful resources about saving and preparing them for college:

5 Creative Ways to Save for College

Heading to College for Generation Z