Serving on a non-profit board podcast

Serving on a Non-Profit Board

Episode 51 - Regions Wealth Podcast Series

Serving as a non-profit board member can be an excellent way to further support a cause you’re especially passionate about. However, ensuring you have the time and commitment to fully support the non-profit is just the first step. In this episode, Marcie Braswell, Philanthropic Solutions Executive at Regions Bank joins us to discuss the factors prospective board members should consider before making a commitment.

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Meet the Speaker

Bryan Koepp portraitMarcie Braswell is the Philanthropic Solutions Executive. Marcie and her team guide nonprofits through the dynamics of stewarding an endowment fund by providing guidance on their investment policies and portfolio construction, as well as offering best practices to improve administrative elements for their organization. To learn more about Regions’ work with nonprofit organizations, visit

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