The retirement pay gap: Retirement planning for women

Women face a gender pay gap that can make planning for retirement more challenging without careful planning.

Episode 14 – Regions Wealth Podcast Series

When it comes to retirement planning, women have a few unique considerations ranging from longer life expectancy to the impact of the gender pay gap on their retirement savings. In this episode, Private Wealth Management Regional Executive Missy Epperson joins us to discuss women and retirement and the right approach to retirement planning for women.

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Missy EppersonMeet the Speaker

Missy Epperson is a Private Wealth Management Regional Executive at Regions in South Louisiana and Mississippi. She brings to our team more than 31 years of banking and relationship management experience, the past 21 with Regions. Missy is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner with a Master’s in Business Administration. She is an active member of the South Louisiana community, serving on many boards and organizations. Want to find an advisor like Missy? Contact a Wealth Advisor today

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Find more helpful resources on retirement planning: 

Saving for Retirement: Covering Gaps in Your Planning

Longevity Matters: Ensuring Your Wealth Last in Retirement