What You Should Know Before Your Military Spouse Is Deployed

What You Should Know Before Your Military Spouse Is Deployed

Whether it’s your spouse’s first deployment or you’re all too familiar with the routine, preparing for a military deployment is important for both your emotional and financial health. Here are some tips to streamline the transition.

1. Ensure Power of Attorney

Having power of attorney for your military spouse is one of the most important steps you can take before deployment. “You may have to deal with unexpected legal decisions and/or make financial decisions while they’re away,” says Kay G., Executive Administrative Assistant for Regions Bank, who is a military spouse. “You need to have a general power of attorney to address these situations if they arise.”

2. Share Banking Information

Make sure you have all banking account information to monitor accounts and avoid late or missed payments. Know how much money should be coming in and going out while your spouse is deployed. You’ll also need the duty station’s finance number in case of paycheck discrepancies.

3. Create a Budget

Draw up a budget for your finances as soon as possible. Department of Defense websites can help you calculate additional income your spouse may receive while away, so you can figure it into your budget planning. Account for extraneous expenses as well as monthly household bills and necessities. “Build in some fun money, too,” Kay suggests. “I looked for deals and coupons so I could stay on budget and enjoy life, and I was still able to build substantial savings while my husband was deployed.”

4. Discuss Retirement Planning

It’s never too early to plan for retirement. Some service members have the chance to earn their salary tax-free depending on where they are deployed — that increase in net income is a great opportunity to put away extra funds for retirement. You may want to meet with a financial planner to discuss your options.

5. Update Policies

Update your life insurance policies and wills before your spouse leaves. This important step can ensure your family’s financial security no matter what happens. Also, you can update your policies for the deployment. You may able be able to put your spouse on hold as a driver while he or she is away, which can reduce your premiums and help you save each month.

Preparing for deployment ahead of time can save stress down the road. Once your spouse is away, minimize the threat of debt and increase your chances of saving with these tips for saving money when your spouse is deployed.
