Low-Budget Ideas to Afford a Vacation in College

You don’t have to break the bank to travel while you’re in college. There are plenty of creative, fun vacation options if you know where to look. Consider one of these low-budget vacation ideas when you plan your next trip.

1. Sleep under the stars: Camping is a fun, inexpensive option for vacationing with friends. To keep costs down, split the cost of groceries and supplies with the group. Take advantage of activities like hiking or kayaking.

2. Take a road trip: Whether you’re going for the weekend or longer, save on travel fees by driving instead of flying. You can divvy up the cost of gas and other expenses when you road trip with friends.

3. Consider alternative accommodations: Keep costs down by staying in a hostel instead of a hotel. Hostels can cost as little as $40 to $50 a night.

4. Explore on a budget: Online you can find a variety of itineraries to explore any city — from Seattle to Chicago — on the cheap.

5. House-sit: In exchange for taking care of someone’s home and sometimes pets, you’ll have a free place to stay in your own city or somewhere new. House-sitting jobs can last from a weekend to a few months. The vetting process might take some time, but once you’re approved, the world is your oyster.

Learn more about traveling on a budget in college.
