How long will my retirement savings last?

You've made it to retirement, or perhaps you're just counting down the days until you retire. You've got money put away, but need to know how long it will last. There are a number of key factors that will determine how long your retirement savings will last, including your monthly spending and other sources of income. The rate of return on your outstanding savings balance, the taxes you pay on withdrawals and the impact inflation has on your required monthly spending will all have significant impact as well. Don't forget to factor in your other assets, income and investment such as equity in a home, Social Security benefits, individual retirement plan investments, savings accounts, and interests in other qualified and non-qualified plan.

Use this calculator to determine how long your retirement savings will last.

Change the numbers in each input field by entering a new number or adjusting the sliders. After entering your data into each input field, the calculator results will automatically update the summary statement and chart.