Conversations You Should Have With Your Banker

In many ways, the internet has simplified banking: You can open accounts, pay bills, apply for loans, access personal finance tools, and much more through online banking.

But if you never see your banker in person, you may miss the opportunity to improve your financial health. Just like visits with your doctor, visits with your banker can help keep your finances in good shape.

“Technology allows people to bank when and how they want to, but when it comes to planning next steps, customers want to have a relationship with their banker,” says Britney Cline, a Nashville Regions Branch Manager. “I get to know people, build relationships, and listen to customers so that I can provide the personalized attention and services that put customers in great financial shape.”

Cline recommends meeting with your banker when you first join the bank, and then scheduling annual meetings. Additionally, you’ll want to schedule appointments around important life events, including buying a new home, getting married, having children, losing a loved one, starting a new job, or moving.

“That first meeting really helps you establish the trust, confidence, and security you need to have with your banker,” she says. And this relationship is important for two main reasons: First, you can feel comfortable sharing personal information — such as financial goals and challenges, and second, your banker can give you the best recommendations for managing your finances.

To prepare for your meetings, Cline suggests the following:

  • Put together a list of your accounts and balances, current loans and rates, insurance coverage, retirement and other investments, and any other financial products or services you use so that your banker can get a holistic picture of your financial health.
  • Be ready to talk about your goals, budget, and any financial concerns that are keeping you up at night.
  • Write down specific questions you have about everyday banking needs, savings plans, upcoming expenses, such as buying a home or taking out a loan, and how to plan for unexpected events.

If you don’t have a relationship with a banker yet, Cline suggests putting it on your to-do list. “Stop by a branch and introduce yourself to a banker,” she says. Not only will a banker help you with personalized recommendations, but he or she can also point you to online tools that you can use at home — and the combination of in-person and digital access could be the key to your financial health. “Establish that relationship with your banker, and then take advantage of the technology we have for a total customer experience,” Cline advises.

Ready to get your finances in shape? Maintain your financial fitness with these start-of-the-year tips.